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Supplemental nutrients like TMG can support healthy methylation, which plays an important role in regulating homocysteine levels.

Why Homocysteine Levels Matter


High levels of homocysteine are associated with a wide range of illnesses and serious medical conditions. Numerous studies have shown that treatment with TMG can lower plasma homocysteine levels.


"We conclude that doses of betaine (Trimethylglycine) in the range of dietary intake can substantially lower fasting plasma homocysteine."

Elevated NAM and Methylation Issues


When taking standard NMN or NR, the compounds are almost entirely degraded to NAM (Nicotinamide) before reaching tissues beyond the liver. This can become a problem if taking excessive doses of it.


In moderate amounts, NAM is beneficial for numerous health conditions. But, excessive NAM levels can be detrimental to your health.


“High doses of NAM can cause genomic instability, reduce cellular methyl pools, and cause insulin resistance through methylated NAM.”

Taking NAD+ boosters offer better protection against digestion to NAM. 


TMG Restores Methylation Levels for Healthy Aging

Methylation imbalances due to aging or high NAM levels can lead to depleted methyl donors. TMG is commonly taken to help restore methylation levels and promote healthy aging.



    • Betaine Anhydrous Tri-methyl glycine (TMG) is an amino acid and one of the building blocks of protein. Tri-methyl glycine contains three methyl groups and functions very closely with other nutrients like choline, folic acid, and Vitamin B12.

      Betaine anhydrous is a naturally-occurring compound found in various grain and vegetable products. It is unique because it has the ability to donate one of its methyl groups, which means that it can support essential chemical processes in our bodies like liver function, and cell replication.

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